Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Systemic Operational Design (SOD): Gaining and Maintaining the Cognitive Initiative (Davison, 2006)
A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine

Let's look at how an organization struggles to find the best organizational approach to conducting warfare. Maybe we can learn something and apply it to machine-based game playing.
"decision superiority" : ability of the commander, based upon information superiority and situational understanding, to make effective decisions more rapidly than the adversary, thereby allowing one to dramatically increase the pace, coherence, and effectiveness of operations, from U.S. Joint Forces Command Glossary
... Bored? Try answering the list of questions, pp.59-76. Or even better, try to define what the words even mean.

p.1 If I always appear prepared, it is because before entering on an undertaking, I have meditated for long and foreseen what may occur.

Napoleon Bonaparte

p.1 Systemic Operational Design gains and maintains the initiative by enabling the operational commander to recognize and exploit emerging opportunities through its unique process of iterative design.
p.2 The threat is constantly changing and adapting. Therefore, the joint approach to operational planning and design must be capable of adapting in an environment characterized by change.
p.2 Uncertainty defines the contemporary operational environment. The planning and design models used by joint forces at the operational level must be able to adapt to that uncertainty.
p.6 The threat modeling approach that drives both the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System and the Military Decision-Making Process is Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB). Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace is a sequential, analytical approach that predicts the most probable threat courses of action... The steps of Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace define the total battlespace environment, describe the battlespace’s effects on threat and friendly courses of action, evaluate the capabilities of any threat forces that may operate in that battlespace, and determine potential threat courses of action... The friendly courses of action are wargamed against the predicted threat courses of action. The outcome of this wargame determines which friendly course of action the commander selects for execution. Throughout each step, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace’s predictions determine the friendly force’s strength, composition and disposition.
p.9 The decision-making process may come to a halt and regress back to a previous step in order to incorporate the new information, or it may complete its current sequence to the end, and begin the next sequence with the new information.
p.10 most of the problems a commander is likely to face are ill-defined. The first step, clearly define the goal, can never be completed if the goal is ill-defined by its nature. This dilemma stalls the decision making process in the first step and prevents the completion of the subsequent steps. Traditional decision-making is worse than useless; it can interfere in the solving of unstructured problems... Not only can problems be unstructured because of ill-defined goals, but they can also be unstructured if the initial state is not defined, the terminal state is undefined, or the procedure for transforming the initial state into the terminal state is undefined. Decision-making in natural settings is interactive because the goals determine how to assess the situation, and what is learned about the situation changes the nature of the goals.
p.12 The circumstances under which accurate perception is most difficult are exactly the circumstances under which intelligence analysis generally takes place: dealing with highly ambiguous situations based on information processed incrementally under pressure for early judgment.
p.20 an effects-based approach that considers systemic behavior is a marked improvement over the traditional reductionist task-based processes.
p.22 Measures of Effectiveness are the criteria used to evaluate how actions have affected system behavior or capabilities. In terms of systems analysis, Measures of Effectiveness describe the intended changes to the elements or relationships within the system.
p.24 Complex adaptive systems are systems that contain agents or populations that seek to adapt. Most complex adaptive systems have distinctive interaction patterns that are neither random nor completely structured.
p.25 A system is complex that has a great many independent agents that are interacting with each other in a great many ways. A system is adaptive when it responds to the interactions with its environment by undergoing spontaneous self-organization while actively seeking to turn whatever happens to its advantage. Complex adaptive systems such as social systems are in a state of continuous change as new information is learned and assimilated... Long-term prediction of complex adaptive systemic behavior is complicated further by the inevitable rise of emergent properties. Emergent properties are properties of the whole system that the separate parts do not have. Emergence occurs as complex adaptive systems respond to environmental changes through the evolutionary process of adaptation. The system’s emergent structures constantly adjust and readjust in response to input from the environment. Analysts cannot understand emergent properties by examining the separate parts, so predicting which emergent structures will arise from interacting parts is impossible for all practical purposes.
p.29 Effects-Based Operations is holistic in that it utilizes a systems concept that is concerned with both wholes and their hierarchical arrangement, not just with the whole. This systemic approach considers not just the separate components of the system, but also those properties that arise when the disparate parts come together.
p.35 The cognitive map is an abstract representation of the current context. It helps make sense of the context much like a topographic map helps make sense of the terrain. The scale and fidelity of the map depends on the type of operation to be conducted. Maps reflect the changes on the ground by being continually updated.
p.41 Operation framing exploits the differences and tensions within the system in order to influence the system more towards the designer’s aim. Operation framing positions forces in space and time and provides a frame for key ideas on how the operation will unfold. Operation framing sets the stage for conducting action in order to learn. Acting in order to learn is neither new nor exclusive to military operations.
p.50 By actively searching for emergences, Systemic Operational Design provides a mechanism for the organization to adapt to the constantly changing operating environment.
p.52-53 Systemic Operational Design does not seek to attain perfect knowledge. It strives for useful and timely understanding. It emphasizes developing a conceptualization of the system that provides a sound basis for action and learning. This conceptualization addresses why the system is the way it is today, how the system will self-regulate or resist attempts to change it, and what aspects of it have the potential to escalate both positively and negatively. It is not reasonable to expect that designers will develop a completely correct conceptualization of a system that is constantly changing by its very nature, but it is also not necessary. It is vital, however, that it be useful for learning about the system so that successive conceptualizations are more right and more useful... It recognizes that the system will continually change and adapt, not just in response to friendly actions, but also in response to the rest of its environment.
p.55 The system diagram shows the various agents and their relationships within the system. The Design Team identifies relationships whose transformation would produce a more desirable system trend. It also identifies points of leverage where energy might be injected into the system to initiate the desired transformation.

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